1. How might the people who made this painting differ from the Pueblo people of the American Southwest?

2. What can you infer about relations between Powhatan’s people and the Jamestown colonists?

3. What does Powhatan suggest about English motives?

any help would be greatly appreciated.

1 answer

1. The people who made this painting may have had different cultural beliefs and practices than the Pueblo people of the American Southwest. They may have had different artistic styles and techniques, and may have used different materials to create the painting.

2. From Powhatan's words, it can be inferred that relations between Powhatan's people and the Jamestown colonists were strained. Powhatan expresses his distrust of the colonists and their motives, suggesting that he believes they are only interested in taking resources from his people.

3. Powhatan suggests that the English motives are not honorable, and that they are only interested in taking resources from his people. He expresses his distrust of the colonists and their intentions.