1. How many triangles will there be in the 7th term of the following sequence?
(1 triangle, 4 triangles, 7 triangles, etc.)
A. 19***
B. 22
C. 16
D. 8
2. Rachel is placing playing cards on a table by following these steps.
Step 1: First she places one card in the middle of the table.
Step 2: Next she adds one more card directly to the left, to the right, above, and below the first card.
Step 3: Next she adds one more card directly to the left, to the right, above, and below the cards that were already on the table.
a. If Rachel continues the same pattern, how many cards will be on the table after Rachel completes Step 4?
my answer: 13 cards
b. Write the first 6 terms of the sequence that represents the total number of cards on the table after each step.
my answer: 1 card, 4 cards, 7 cards, 10 cards, 13 cards, 16 cards
c. Describe the pattern in the sequence.
my answer: Rachel adds 4 cards after during each step she completes.
3. Describe the pattern in the sequence and determine the next term of the sequence.
(triangle, square, pentagon, then a hexagon)
my answer: The pattern is after each shape, 1 side is added. The next term would be a shape with 7 sides.
I need my answers to be checked, thank you !
7 answers
(a) you want the sum of the 1st 4 terms
(b) correct
(c) since you got (b) correct, how could you miss this part? (and what does "after during" mean, anyway?)
#3 is correct
#2 (a) is 10
#2(b) is right
#2(c) is Rachel adds 3 cards after each step she completes
and #3 is right
Is this correct?
b. Write the first 6 terms of the sequence that represents the total number of cards on the table after each step.
my answer: 1 card, 4 cards, 7 cards, 10 cards, 13 cards, 16 cards