1. how do mans reasoning ablities and his "diversity of faculties" contribute to factions?
2. if a faction consists of less than a majority how does publius say it may be controlled?
3. what two recommendations does publius make regarding majority factions?
4. why cannot pure democracies prevent factions from forming?
5.voters will chose men with the "most attractive _________ and the most diffusive and __________ characters."
5. with the federal system of government the national governments foucus is on the "great and ______ interest" while "local" and "particular" issues will be handeled by the state ___________.
these questions are based on a noble experiment: the history and nature of the american government by Zeezok publishing
lesson 14 activity - federalist #10
1 answer
Interesting questions. I'm sure your teacher is eager to see your answers.