1. How did the status of women and African Americans in the armed forces change during the war?

A: In World War I, women were barred from combat. Many jobs available to women in the army were administrative or clerical. This all changed during World War II. Women were able to serve as officers in their own women's units in the army, the Coast Guard, the navy, and the marines. Circumstances for African Americans changed during the war as well. They were recruited by the army air. force, navy, and marines and put into combat. They were also promoted to general ranks and able to command African American units.

2. Why was the Battle of Midway considered a turning point?

A: The Battle of Midway was considered a turning point because during this battle, the Japanese Navy lost four of its largest carriers--the heart of its fleet. The battle also stopped the Japanese advance in the Pacific and ended the Japanese offensive.

3. What did the Allies do to win the Battle of the Atlantic?

A: A series of things led the Allies to victory in the Battle of the Atlantic. First, to protect American cargo ships from German submarines, cities on the East Coast dimmed their lights every evening. People also put up special "blackout curtains" and drove with their headlights off. Second, to keep oil flowing and abundant, the U.S. government built the first long-distance oil pipeline, stretching some 1,250 miles from Texas oil fields to Pennsylvania. Third, the U.S. Navy set up a convoy system. Under this system, cargo ships traveled in groups and were escorted by navy warships. It made it much harder for a submarine to torpedo a cargo ship and escape without being attacked. And finally, American airplanes and warships began to use new technology, including radar, sonar, and depth charges, to locate and attack submarines. As the new technology began to take its toll on German submarines, the Battle of the Atlantix slowly turned in favor of the Allies.

4. Explain the American strategy in North Africa.

A: The army gained experience and then helped British troops fighting the Germans in Egypt.

3 answers

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