1. How did the Iranian Revolution impact the United States?

2. What was Ronald Reagan’s view on the US government?

3. What are the Moral Majority and the “Contract with America?”

4. What did the falling communist regimes in Eastern Europe have in common?

5. Define “Glasnost.” How did it contribute to the Soviet Union breaking up?

6. Why did the United States offer economic aid to Russia and Eastern Europe during the 1990s?

7. Name a negative to the victory in the Cold War brought to the United States.

8. How did the Arab-Israeli Wars affect the United States in the 1970s?

9. Name Challenges the United States faces in its global war on terrorism.

10. Describe the relationship between Israelis and Palestinians.

I need the answers to these for my study guide, to help me on my test. If someone could please help at all, it would be greatly appreciated. I tried to look these up, but I couldn't find ANYTHING! Grrr!

5 answers



You surely didn't look very hard!!

Use the ideas here to become a better Internet searcher (scroll down to see all the tactics to use):
Here's another really good website about online searching:


... including a whole section on HOW TO SEARCH ...
Welp... I appreciate the help... -_-
Do you happen to have anything for number 6 or 9? I've been working on this since I posted it and those seem to be the hardest. In fact, those are the only ones I have left to do.
