1. How did plantesmals form plants
A. They broke into smaller chunks
B. They collided and stuck together**
C. They cooled and pulled ice together
D. They began to rotate
2. Whats the distance used to define the astronomical unit
A. The average distance across the sun its diameter
B. The average distance from the sun to mercury, the closet plant
C. The average distance from the sun to earth, our home planet***
D. The average distance from the sun to Neptune, the farthest planet
3. Which of the following Statements about features on the sun is true
A. Prominences look dark in regular photographs
B. Solar flares form when prominences connect
C. The number of sunpots on the suns surface is always the same
D. Sunpots can greatly increase solar winds
4. explain why the outer planets did not lose the lighter gases in their atmospheres
I need help!!
9 answers