
How about making a gift together?

What do you say to making a gift together?

How do you feel about making a gift together?

Why not make a gift together?

(Are they all the same? Which ones are commonly used?)

2. Is a green pepper green and is a red pepper red? (Is this stament is right?)

3. Is 'a flat cake' the same as 'a panfried food'? What about 'a fanfried dish'?

1 answer

1. Are you actually MAKING a gift? Or are you planning to GIVE someone a gift? There's a big difference.

2. Correct!

3. A pan-fried food could be anything that is fried (or sautéed or "browned") in a shallow pan.
(Broken Link Removed)

Pancakes (sometimes called "flapjacks"!) are made in frying pans.

I've never heard of "fanfried" dishes.