1.'hic Danaos ad tecta ruentes 2.cernimus,obsessumque acta testudine limen.
3.haerent parietibus scalae;postesque sub ipsos
4.nituntur gradibus,clipeosque ad tela sinistris
5.protecti obiciunt,prensant fastigia dextris.
6.Dardanidae contra turres ac tecta domorum
7.culmina convellunt.his se,quando ultima cernunt,
8.extrema i am in morte parant defendere telis.
9.auratasque trabes,veterum decora alta parentum,
10.devolvunt.alii strictis mucronibus imas
11.obsedere fores.has servant agmine denso.'
Find 2 examples of a)alliteration, b)assonance, c)chiasmus and explain why they are effective.
am i right to say there is alliteration in l.6 and l.7
assonance in l.7 and l.9 and
chiasmus in l.1 and l.9
I'm not sure what makes them effective
With specifice reference to the latin text show how Aeneas makes it alive for his listeners. (i'm struggling with how you this part)
Please help!
1 answer
6.Dardanidae contra turres ac tecta domorum if you mean "turres" and "tecta," yes
7.culmina convellunt.his se,quando ultima cernunt, if you mean "culmina" and "convellunt," yes ("cernunt" is too far away from the other two to count!
assonance in l.7 and l.9
Which words do you consider as contributing to assonance?
and chiasmus in l.1 and l.9
Which words do you consider as contributing to chiasmus?