1. He was excited to watch the game.
2. He was excited watching the game.
(Which one is grammatical? Are both OK? What is the difference between them?)
English - Writeacher, Wednesday, November 13, 2013 at 8:07am
Both are OK, but they have slightly different meanings.
#1 - This implies that he would be watching the game soon (isn't watching it yet) and is really looking forward to it.
#2 - This means that he is excited about the game while he's watching it. Be sure to put a comma after "excited" to set off the participial phrase.
Thank you for your answer.
3. He was excited while he was watching the game.
(Does #3 mean #2 in meaning? Can he be excited with other factors while whatching the game?)
2-2. He was excited because he was watching the game.
(Can #2 mean #2-2? Because he was watching the game, he was excited.)
1 answer
Yes, you can mean he was excited when he learned about his new job ... and he learned about it while he was watching the game.
For #2-2 ~