1 through 4 are all correct. The addition of 'the' just seems to emphasize that he/she is at or in a particular school that the listener would already know of.
Same with #s 5 - 8. You can use 'the' or omit it.
1. He is at school.
2. He is at the school.
3. She is in school.
4. She is in the school.
[Can we use 'the' or do we have to use without 'the'? Do they have difference in meaning?]
5. They are at school to play baseball.
6. They are in school to meet their children's teachers.
7. They are at the school to play baseball.
8. They are in the school to meet their children's teachers.
[Do we have to use 'the' or not in the sentences?]
1 answer