1. “Had this chief turned a deaf ear to Mr. Oglethorpe, refused his friendship and denied his request, opposing him on the part of the Creeks, then this

settlement on the banks of the Savannah would have ended amid smoke and blood.” – Charles C. Jones Who is this chief?
a. Geronimo
b. Tomochichi
c. Chief Joseph
d. Sitting Bull

2. Which of the following best describes the importance of Mary Musgrove to the Georgia colony?
a. British settlers depended on Mary Musgrove’s trading post to supply them with necessities of life.
b. Both Mary Musgrove and her husband treated the colonists well and taught them how to grow corn and build shelter for themselves in Savannah.
c. Mary Musgrove negotiated fair treaties between the English and the Yamacraw ensuring the initial success of the colony.
d. James Oglethorpe depended on Mary Musgrove to keep him informed about market prices for silk in Charleston.

10 answers

We'll be glad to check your answers.
1 - c
2 - a
1. No No No !!!!! wrong end of the continent
b? @damon
Yes. 1 b.
Is 2 b?
I do not think so.
I think you were right the first time about 2. After reading the site that Damon posted, a seems to be the best answer.
You 2 b answer amuses me though because I am from Massachusetts.