1. Go straight to First Street.

1-1. Go straight to the First Street.

(Do we have to use 'the' or not?)

2. It's just next to the hospital.
2-1. It's only next to the hospital.
(Are both the same expressions?)

3. I'll go to the railroad station.
3-1. I'll go to the reailway station.
(Are both the same? Which expression do you use frequently?)

4. Choose the correct map which shows where Mike wants to go. (Is this expression correct?)

5. Can you tell me where you live in English?

5-1. Can you tell me the location where you live in English?

5-2. Can you show me where you live in English?

(Are the sentences all grammatical?)

6. The post office is across from the library.
(In this sentence what is the part of speech of 'across', and what is the meaning of 'across'?

7. I appreciate your help.
7-1. I appreciate you.
7-2. Thank you for your help.

(7-1 is worng, isn't it? What is the difference between 7 and 7-2? Which one is the more polite?)

1 answer

#1 -- You would use "the" only if you're referring to a street in general, the first one near where you are standing or sitting. You would use the first of the two sentences if the formal name of the street is First Street.

#2 -- These two are not alike. I wouldn't use the second one. The first one is fine.

#3 -- The first one is the more commonly used. The second is less commonly used and has a misspelling.

#4 -- It's fine.

#5 -- I'd use either 5 or 5-2, but I'd move "in English" closer to the verb so it makes better sense:
Can you tell me in English where you live?

#6 -- I take "across from" as a preposition. The phrase "across from the library" is adverbial since it tells where something is.

#7 -- All are correct and polite, but have slightly different meanings. The first and third ones are used most often.