1. Give one possible error you could have made in carrying out the experiment (not a calculation error) that would cause your.

a) %NaCl to be too small
b) %SiO2 to be too large
2. Solubilities of Compounds A, B and C were determined and summarized in the following table:
cold water hot water
A insoluble soluble
B insoluble insoluble
C soluble soluble

a) Describe the process you would use to separate compounds A and B if both compounds were present in a mixture.

b) If compounds A and C were present in a mixture, could they be separated using hot water? Why or why not?

c) Circle the correct Compound (A,B, or C) for each consecutive step and give reasons for your answers.
You have a mixture of the 3 compounds above, A, B and C.

1) You add hot water to the mixture and filter: Which one? A, B, C remains on the filter paper.

2) You chill the solution that passed through the filter paper and filter again: Which one? A, B, C remains on the filter paper.

3) You evaporate the water from the solution in the beaker and Which one? A, B, C remains in the beaker.

1 answer

I'm terribly sorry but my crystal ball isn't working today. I have no idea what experiment you did and I have no idea what procedure you followed which led to those questions. I think there is enough info to do #2.
A insoluble cold; soluble hot
B insoluble cold; insoluble hot
C soluble cold; soluble hot.
(a) For mixture of A and B, add hot water, stir, filter. B will be in the filtrate and A will be in the filter paper.
(b) For mixture of A and C. Yes, they can be separated. Add cold water, stir, filter. C is in the filtrate. A is in the filter paper.
You get the idea how to do it.
(1) Add hot water to mixture of A, B, C. The only one insoluble in hot water is B; therefore, A and C will be in the filtrate and B will be on the filter paper.
(2) Mixture of A and C in the filtrate and redo in cold water. A is insoluble and will be on the filter paper. C is soluble and will be in the filtrate.
(3) I'll leave this one for you.