1.Four friends of which three are sexually active and one is not. The friend who is not sexually active mentions that they heard friend three’s partner was at the clinic—possibly implying an STI.

Describe the situation that requires a decision.

2.List Options ( - or +)

3.Weigh the pros and cons of each possible decision.

4.Consider your Values

5.Decide which decision is most responsible and appropriate

Act on your decision and evaluate the results. (Reflection)

1 answer

1. The situation that requires a decision is whether or not to confront friend three about the possible STI rumor.

2. Options:
- Confront friend three about the rumor and express concern for their health.
- Ignore the rumor and trust that friend three is taking care of their sexual health.

3. Pros and cons:
Confronting friend three:
- Pro: Shows that you care about their health and well-being.
- Con: Might strain the friendship or cause discomfort.

Ignoring the rumor:
- Pro: Maintains friendship and avoids potential conflict.
- Con: Friend three may not be aware of the rumor and could be at risk.

4. Values:
- Health and well-being of friends
- Honesty and open communication

5. Decision:
It is most responsible and appropriate to confront friend three about the rumor in a respectful and caring manner. Expressing concern for their health and well-being should be the priority.

6. Act and evaluate:
Confront friend three about the rumor and discuss the importance of getting tested for STIs. Respect their privacy and be supportive in any decision they make. Reflect on the conversation and whether it positively impacted the situation.