1. Force 2. Net force 3. Balanced forces 4. Unbalanced forces 5. Gravity 6. Friction 7. Inertia 8. Newton’s First Law of Motion a. a resistance to motion that occurs when surfaces are in contact with each other b. an attractive force that all objects exert on each other c. when all the forces acting on an object create a net force of zero, and the object does not move d. the tendency of an object to continue its current motion or lack of motion e. states that an object at rest stays at rest and an object in motion stays in motion at the same speed and in the same direction, unless acted upon by another force f. when all the forces acting on an object create a net force greater than zero, and the object moves g. the sum of all the forces acting on an object h. any push or pull on an object (which number matches the letter)
1 answer
2. g
3. c
4. f
5. b
6. a
7. d
8. e