[1] For many high school students, summer vacation is a time to take college-prep courses, participate in internships, pursue academic ment opportunities, and even earn some money at a part-time job. Others use the summer to take part in sports camps or music camps, g hard at their technique throughout the summer. Last year, 78 percent of students from the Owensville Unified School District pated in one or more of these activities during the summer months. These students report that summer is an ideal time to do this, since the months when classes are not in session, they can dedicate numerous hours each day to perfecting their skills and advancing either ctually, athletically, or artistically.

[2] According to the Owensville Quality of Life Survey, however, a growing number of parents-and even some teachers-believe that high I students need a break from school in order to recuperate from the day-to-day activities and the studying that occur during the school year. s conducted by University of Owensville psychologists seem to validate this trend, showing that adolescents sorely need this "down time" to Rejuvenate both the body and the mind in order to come and in the fall feeling fresher and ready once more to study with renewed energy

Read the newspaper editorial.
Studies conducted by University of Owensville psychologists seem to validate this trend, showing that adolescents sorely need this "down time rejuvenate both the body and the mind in order to come back in the fall feeling refreshed and ready once more to study with renewed energy
[3] A team of researchers from John Henry College, on the other hand, found that students who engage in no enrichment activities during the summer months are more likely to obtain lower grades than their more active counterparts once school resumes. For students who just want enjoy their summer, this is unwelcome news.
[4] Luckily, thanks to wise and understanding parents, some high school students are still able to relax during their summer vacation without the burden of advanced learning opportunities or the pressure of highly competitive sports activities or musical competitions. Instead. they enjoy the simple pleasures of life hanging out at a pool during the day or spending evenings jamming with their garage band. As summer vacation increasingly becomes more crowded with responsibilities and self-improvement opportunities, some high school students still prefer their vacations to truly count as "time off."

Which numbered sentence from the passage shows the authors bias

1 answer

[4] Luckily, thanks to wise and understanding parents, some high school students are still able to relax during their summer vacation without the burden of advanced learning opportunities or the pressure of highly competitive sports activities or musical competitions.