1.) Find the GCF of -25a3b4, 45a6b5.
I got 25a3b4
2.)Find the GCF of a5b, a3b4, a2b3.
I got a2b
3.) Find the GCF of 10ab5, 12a3b4, 16a2b3.
I got 2ab3
4 answers
Please someone answer me
GCF of two numbers means that the GCF divides each of the two numbers.
1. 25a3b4 does not divide one of the two numbers, so it is not the GCF.
2. a²b is correct.
3. 2ab³ is correct.
1. 25a3b4 does not divide one of the two numbers, so it is not the GCF.
2. a²b is correct.
3. 2ab³ is correct.
You're welcome!