1. Find an informational text online or in your school or local library. If you're having trouble finding one, ask your teacher for assistance. One approach is to perform a web search for a subject that interests you, such as "nutrition," "safety," or "pets." A website or PDF would each be a good choice. Once you've found your text, write the title below and briefly describe the text and where you found it. If possible, give a link as well.
2. Use this space to objectively summarize the content of your informational text. Describe what the text is about, how it is arranged on the page, how much information there is about each topic, and how many topics are discussed. You'll describe how they're organized in the next question.
3. Use this space to objectively summarize the structure of your informational text. Which of the three text structures (topical, spatial, sequential) does it use? Or does it use a combination of text structures? What else do you notice about how your text is organized?
4. Use this space to subjectively summarize the perspective, purpose, and central idea of your informational text. For each, explain the evidence that helped you make your inferences.
Central idea:
5. Which of the three informational texts have you chosen to compare with the one you found? Identify it below. Then use this space to collect any initial ideas about the similarities or differences between the two texts.
6. Compare and contrast your two texts. Focus on the similarities and differences that jump out to you. How are the two texts most alike or most different?
Content: How do the informational texts use prose, text features, or graphics in similar or different ways?
Structure: What is the text structure of each informational text? How do the parts work together in each?
Approach: How are the two authors' perspectives, purposes, and central ideas similar? How are they different?
1 answer
2. simile
3. peaceful
4. under,behind
5. adjectives and adverbs
6. They can make the writing more interesting.
7. sound
8. fast
9. factual details
10. planning
here is your 100