a. The general formula for the nitrile group is RC≡N, where R represents any alkyl or aryl group.
b. The general formula for the anhydride group is (RCO)2O, where R represents any alkyl or aryl group.
c. The general formula for the amino acid group is NH2-CHR-COOH, where CHR represents a variable carbon chain.
d. The general formula for the thiol group is R-SH, where R represents any alkyl or aryl group.
1. Even though you have seen the basics of organic nomenclature, there are other groups that
are quite common. Give the general formula for the following:
a. nitrile group (draw its basic structure showing the triple bond)
b. anhydride group (draw its basic structure showing the double bonds)
c. amino acid group
d. thiol group
1 answer