1) Evaluate the effects of the Teapot Dome scandal on citizens' views of the federal government?
A: Because of the Teapot Dome scandal, citizens viewed the federal government as corrupt. They lost their faith in the federal government until Harding's successor Calvin Coolidge, who was viewed as a welcome change.
2) How did the Ohio Gang tarnish the Harding Administration?
A: The Ohio Gang tarnished the Harding Administration by using their positions for personal advantage. For example, they used their positions to sell government jobs, pardon from criminal convictions, and protection from prosecution.
3) Summarize the factors that led to the new consumer society in the United States during the 1920s.
A: Mass production, easy credit, mass advertisement, and economic prosperity led to the new consumer society in the United States during the 1920s.
4) How did the automobile impact American society?
A: The automobile created new small-business opportunities for such enterprises as garages and gas stations. The automobile also eased the isolation of rural life and enabled more people to live farther from work.
5) How did the United States government help spur the growth of the airline industry?
A: The United States government helped spur the growth of the airline industry by introducing the world's first regular airmail service and passing the Air Commerce Act, which provided federal aid for building airports.
6) Why did Andrew Mellon work to reduce federal tax rates?
A: Andrew Mellon worked to reduce federal tax rates because he believed that high taxes reduced the money available for private investment and prevented business expansion. Mellon further argued that high taxes actually reduced the amount of tax money the government collected. If taxes were lower, businesses and consumers would spend and invest their extra money, causing the economy to grow. As the economy grew, Americans would earn more money, and the government would actually collect more taxes at a lower rate than it would if it kept tax rates high.
2 answers
By the way -- Reed is more knowledgeable than I am on this subject.