1. Each team in the Boat Race has eight rowers and one more person who does not row, a cox.

2. Each team in the Boat Race is composed of eight rowers and one more person who does not row, a cox.

3. Each team in the Boat Race comprises eight rowers and one more person who does not row, a cox.

4. Each team in the Boat Race consists of eight rowers and one more person who does not row, a cox.

5. Each team in the Boat Race has eight rowers and a cox, one more person who does not row.

6. Each team in the Boat Race has eight rowers and a cox, a person who does not row.

(Are they all the same in meaning? Which one is commonly used? And which one is better, Sentence 5 or Sentence 6?)

1 answer

I would pick (6).

However if I were writing it I would say:

Each shell has eight rowers and a coxswain who does not row but steers the boat while keeping the rowers working together.