1. Drivers sometimes can't see you.
1-2. Drivers can't sometimes see you.
1-3. Sometimes drivers can't see you.
1-4. Drivers can't see you sometimes.
(Are all grammatical?)
2.You can get a shock.
(What is the meaning of 'get' here?)
3. Mrs. Johnson gave her class a group project about safety.
3-1. Mrs. Johnson gave a group project about safety to her class.
(Are both the same?)
4. Let's look at the reports below.
(What is the part of speech of 'below'?)
4-1. Let's look at the reports which are below. (Is this the full form of #4?)
5. You are a biker.
5-1. You are a bike driver.
5-2. You are a bike rider.
5-3. You are a motor bike driver.
5-4. You are a motor bike rider.
(Which ones are correct?)
6. He is riding an elephant.
6-2. He is rding on an elephant.
6-3. He is riding a car.
6-4. He is riding in a car.
6-5. He is riding on a car.
(Which expressions are correct?)
7. Don't hide under a bed or in a closet.
7-2. Don't hide under a bed and in a closet.
(Do I have to use 'and' or 'or'? Are both the same in meaning?)
1 answer
2. - Correct. In here, "get" means "receive."
3. - 3 is better than 3-1.
4. - 4 is better (fewer words!). "Below" is an adverb, telling where. 4-1 is OK, and yes, it's the full form.
5. - 5-1 and 5-3 are not used. Someone is a bike rider, whether he/she is riding or driving! Weird, huh?
6. - 6, 6-2, and 6-4 are correct. (6-5 would be correct if you were riding on the roof of the car, I suppose!)
7. - The conjunctions "and" and "or" do not have the same meanings. 7 means not to hide in either of those places. 7-1 seems impossible to do unless the bed is in a closet! Think of the word "and" like a + sign; the word "or" gives you a choice of one or the other.