1.)Do you have to attend college in order to join the Army Or Navy?
I truly don't know what I wanna be when I grow up so I've been thinking about join the Army Or Navy once I turn 19 or 18, & I was wondering Do I have to attend a college 1st before I can Join the Navy or Army?, Because I don't think I wan't to go to college at all, Let me know Asap.
3 answers
Nope, they will take you as you are, assuming you are breathing, and are not just out of prison.
A three or four year term in the military often has a sobering, maturing effect on young persons, and often focuses them on the future. And, college often does the same.
I recommend you first consult a vocational counselor. They have personality and skill tests that can often help you focus. I am fairly certain you have some ideas on what you can do best, what you are not so hot at, what you like, and what you don't like.
There are much better ones, but here is a free inventory: http://www.truity.com/test/holland-code-career-test
I recommend this, as you might just join the military, only to find you don't like it, and you are not good at it. It is a sad experience being stuck in something you are not good at, and don't like it.
A three or four year term in the military often has a sobering, maturing effect on young persons, and often focuses them on the future. And, college often does the same.
I recommend you first consult a vocational counselor. They have personality and skill tests that can often help you focus. I am fairly certain you have some ideas on what you can do best, what you are not so hot at, what you like, and what you don't like.
There are much better ones, but here is a free inventory: http://www.truity.com/test/holland-code-career-test
I recommend this, as you might just join the military, only to find you don't like it, and you are not good at it. It is a sad experience being stuck in something you are not good at, and don't like it.
Thank You