1.Distinguish between atomic physics and nuclear physics?

2.Briefly describe the Bohr model of the atom. What is Bohr’s key idea (involving matter waves) that makes the Bohr atom have discrete
energy levels? I really didn't understand what they were wanting, so many of scientist would dissagree
with what he believed.

1 answer

1. I will be happy to critique your thinking.
2. As I stated previously, Bohr had no idea of matter waves existing. If your teacher or text is teaching that, it is nonsense. Disregard that idea.
Bohr had no idea why the energy levels were discrete. Bohr just postulated the electrons could be in only discrete levels. It was Louie DeBroglie in the late 1920's who assumed electrons were matter waves, and he demostrated that solutions to the wave equation yielded solutions which predicted Bohr's energy levels. Bohr's model predicted only the Hydrogen spectra well, but DeBroglie's model explained the rest very well.