1. Describe the dangers of binge drinking.
A: There are many dangers of binge drinking. For example, binge drinking causes the area of the brain that control breathing and heart rate to become dangerously depressed. The brain and the heart may even stop functioning. This is commonly known as alcohol poisoning, or alcohol overdose. In addition, three symptoms of alcohol poisoning are extreme vomiting, loss of consciousness, and dangerously slowed breathing?
2. Name three reasons you should not drink alcohol.
A: You should not drink alcohol because alcohol can cause permanent damage to the body and to the brain, anemia, and high blood pressure?
3. What type of behavior would you expect to find at a party where people are drinking? Why do you think teens drink?
A: I would expect to find people who seemed overly relaxed with severely impaired speech and and seriously affected coordination?
5 answers
But -- why do you think teens drink?
A: I would expect to find people who seemed overly relaxed with severely impaired speech and and seriously affected coordination. However, the concept itself, why teenagers drink, is unclear to me. I suppose teenagers may drink to follow the path of their friends, to try to fit in, to seem popular, or even because they are pressured to and, shortly after, become addicted. Drinking may also seem as a sign of maturity to teenagers?
However, remember that most people who drink alcohol do not become addicted and do not let alcohol take over their lives.