I found no specific reference to "brain-cognition phenomenon." I guess you're stuck with reading your text materials.
This may help on the second question.
1. Describe the brain-cognition phenomenon.
2. Explain the Three-Box Model of Learning.
2 answers
Teen suicide is a major public health problem in the U.S. The government and many voluntary organizations are doing their best to tackle this problem. This assignment is all about getting to know such initiatives better. Identify such suicide prevention programs in your area: teen “hotlines,” treatment facilities, etc. Read their promotional literature, and summarize the services in a short report that would include data about the following:
1. the number of teens the agency serves per month,
2. the types of services they offer,
3. the gaps that may exist in the students’ communities in services for teens.
Also present some ideas to fill these gaps.
1. the number of teens the agency serves per month,
2. the types of services they offer,
3. the gaps that may exist in the students’ communities in services for teens.
Also present some ideas to fill these gaps.