1. Describe how loss can cause stress.
A: When you experience loss, you can feel the physical and emotional effects of stress. For example, after a loss, you may develop tension headaches or an increase in blood pressure. You may also feel irritable and confused.
(I don't know whether this is an adequate description or not.)
2. Describe why you should not blame others for a loss if the loss was an accident.
A: You should not blame others for a loss if the loss was an accident because blaming only creates a way of avoiding the truth about the loss.
3. Explain why it is important to know the facts about suicide.
A: It is important to know of the facts about suicide because your understanding of it can help prevent suicide.
4. Explain why giving away personal things might be a sign of someone considering suicide.
A: When someone feels that he or she is nearing the end of his or her life, the person may feel the need to take care of matters. Therefore, giving away personal belongings is a way to say goodbye without words?
5. Explain why it is important not to ignore a friend's talk about suicide.
A: It is important not to ignore a friend's talk about suicide because this friend may already be suicidal and may actually follow through with his or her intentions?
4 answers