1. Family as a social institution refers to the fundamental unit of society, consisting of individuals related by blood, marriage, or adoption. It is a social structure that provides essential functions and plays a crucial role in shaping an individual's socialization, emotional support, and overall well-being.
2. The legal recognition of a marriage union is important as it establishes a legal framework that grants numerous rights, benefits, and protections to the couple. These legal aspects include inheritance rights, tax benefits, healthcare access, parenting rights, property ownership, and many more. It ensures the stability and security of the couple and their family, and also provides a recognized framework for resolving disputes and conflicts within the marriage.
3. According to the functionalist perspective, the functions of the family include socialization, procreation, economic cooperation, and emotional support. The family is responsible for teaching social norms, values, and roles to children, which helps them integrate into society. It also fulfills the biological function of procreation and raising children. Economically, family members contribute their individual skills to support the family unit, and emotionally, the family provides love, care, and support to its members.
4. From the conflict perspective, families can perpetuate inequality in various ways. Power dynamics within families can lead to issues such as gender inequality, where traditional gender roles and expectations may limit opportunities for women or reinforce patriarchal systems. Economic inequality can also be perpetuated through intergenerational wealth transmission or unequal access to resources, education, and opportunities. Conflict theorists argue that families, like other social institutions, are influenced by the unequal distribution of power and resources in society, leading to the perpetuation of social inequalities.
5. One major challenge South African families face is the high prevalence of violence and crime. The country has a relatively high crime rate, including incidents of domestic violence, robbery, and assault. Many families live in fear and anxiety due to the threat of violence, which affects their physical and psychological well-being. This challenge requires concerted efforts from both the government and society to address issues of safety, security, and justice, and provide support and resources to families affected by violence.
1. Define family as a social institution
2. why is the legal recognition of a marriage union so important?
3. What are the functions of the family according to the functionalist perspective?
4 explain how families can perptuate inequality according to the conflict perspective
5. Briefly describe in summary one major challenge South african fanilies face
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