1. Piercing and sucking insects are insects that use their mouthparts to pierce the surface of plants or animals to suck out fluids. They have elongated mouthparts designed for piercing and sucking. Examples include mosquitoes, aphids, ticks, and bed bugs.
2. Four piercing and sucking insects are mosquitoes, aphids, ticks, and bed bugs.
3. Boring insects are insects that bore into plants or wood to feed on the inside tissues. Sucking insects are insects that use their mouthparts to suck fluids from plants or animals. Examples of boring insects include wood borers and bark beetles, while examples of sucking insects include aphids and leafhoppers.
4. Biting and chewing insects are insects that have mouthparts designed for cutting and chewing solid food. Two examples of biting and chewing insects are grasshoppers and caterpillars. Grasshoppers have strong mandibles for cutting and chewing plant material, while caterpillars have specialized mouthparts for chewing leaves.
1. Define and describe piercing and
insects, give four examples.
4. Define and describe boring insect, give
sucking insects.
2. List four piercing and sucking insect.
3. Define and describe biting and chewing
two examples
1 answer