1. Which natural diasaster poses the most common challenge to central america and caribbean?
A. tornadoes
B. hurricanes
C. floods
D. drought
2. Corn cultivations alow the maya civilization to become powerful by
A. developing a calendar to know when to plant
B. limiting irrigation systems
C. providing plenty of food as a surplus to trade
D. causing city-states to go to war
3. The encomienda system most resembled
A. democracy
B. communism
C. free trade
D. slavery
4. which condition existed both before and after independence in central america and the caribbean?
A. all citizens could vote
B. the economy depended on slavery
C. only spanish was spoken in the region
D. europeans controlled the wealh
5. Which of the following is an example of the CAFTA-DR at work?
A. there are no taxes on goods imported from mexico into the united states.
B. small farmers have the option of buying the land that they farm.
C. elections are fair and without corruption
D. those who create the produc are paid a fair wage
6.those who fought for an independent haiti insisited upon
A. maintaining the spanish language
B. nonviolent methods
C. an end to slavery
D. fair trade
7. Which of the following is an example of interdependence?
A. coffee and cocoa beans are grown in the region
B. cuba had to ration in response to the U.S. embargo
C. cuba allied with the soviet union
D. the international red cross aids many nations who sufer natural disasters.
8. Why would building the panama canal help establish the united states as a world power?
A. the united states could then build a navy
B. the united states would have to conquer panama to build it
C. other great powers had tried and failed
D. other nations lacked the skills to build canals.
9. what does fair trade have in common with ecotourism?
A. both are better for the envirionment than that usual practices
B. both prohibit foreign involvement
C. both are entirely dependent on foreign touriss
D. both require major industries to get involved
10. The fact that the literacy rate in cuba is about the same as the united states indicates that
A. the overall quality of life is about the same
B. schools lacking funding
C. education is valued in cuban culture
D. a dictatorship provides the same opportunities as a democracy
17 answers
anyway, i am not sure of ur answers but if this is connections academy the answers should ALL be in ur book, they always have the answers somewhere in there, u just have to look... its very easy.
good luck and please ignore the whole connections academy if u do not go there-_-'
1. I think B
2. ? not sure
3. ? not sure
4. I think d
5. I think a
6. I think c
7. I think c
8. I think c
9. I think a
10. I think c
Perfect, we agree on not a single question ! Nada !!!
1. b
2. c
3. d
4. d
5. a
6. c
7. b
8. c
9. a
you will get 100%
2. c
3. d
4. d
5. a
6. c
7. b
8. c
9. a
you will get 100%
ps: I go to connexus