In a dormitory management system at a campus, we can identify the following entities and their relationships:
1. Entity: Student
Attributes: Student_ID, Name, Contact_Number, Email, Gender, DOB
2. Entity: Room
Attributes: Room_ID, Room_Number, Capacity
3. Entity: Dormitory
Attributes: Dorm_ID, Dorm_Name, Address, Contact_Number
4. Entity: Floor
Attributes: Floor_ID, Floor_Number
5. Entity: Bed
Attributes: Bed_ID, Bed_Number, Availability
6. Entity: Booking
Attributes: Booking_ID, Student_ID, Room_ID, Bed_ID, Check-In_Date, Check-Out_Date
- A Dormitory has many Floors (One-to-Many)
- A Floor belongs to a Dormitory (Many-to-One)
- A Floor has many Rooms (One-to-Many)
- A Room belongs to a Floor (Many-to-One)
- A Room has many Beds (One-to-Many)
- A Bed belongs to a Room (Many-to-One)
- A Booking is made by a Student (Many-to-One)
- A Booking is for a Room (Many-to-One)
- A Booking is for a Bed (Many-to-One)
These relationships can be visualized using an entity-relationship diagram (ERD), representing the structure and connections of the entities in the dormitory management system.
1.create entity relationship to dormitory management system at campus
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