1. Create an account by entering username, password, first name and last name.

a. The system needs to check that the following conditions are met, and reply with the
appropriate output message:
Conditions Messages
True False
Username contains an underscore and is no
more than 5 characters long
“Username is not
correctly formatted,
please ensure that
your username
contains an
underscore and is no
more than 5
characters in length .”
Password meets the following password
complexity rules, the password must be:
• At least 8 characters long
• Contain a capital letter
• Contain a number
• Contain a special character
“Password is not
correctly formatted,
please ensure that
the password
contains at least 8
characters, a capital
letter, a number and
a special character.”
2. Login to the account using the same username and password.
a. The system should provide the following messages to verify the user’s authentication
Conditions Messages
True False
The entered username and password are
correct, and the user is able to log in.
“Welcome <user first
name> ,<user last
name> it is great to
see you again.
“Username or
password incorrect,
please try again”
3. You will need to implement a Login class with the following methods to ensure that your
application meets good coding standards and that the code you write is testable.
Method Name Method Functionality
Boolean: checkUserName() This method ensures that any username contains an under
score (_) and is no more than
This method ensures that passwords meet the following
password complexity rules, the password must be:
• At least eight characters long.
• Contain a capital letter
• Contain a number
• Contain a special character
String registerUser() This method returns the necessary registration messaging
indicating if:
• The username is incorrectly formatted
• The password does not meet the complexity
• The two above conditions have been met and the user
has been registered successfully.
Boolean loginUser() This method verifies that the login details entered matches
the login details stored when the user registers.
String returnLoginStatus This method returns the necessary messaging for:
• A successful login
• A failed login
4. It is good practice to never push code that has not been tested, you will need to create the
following unit tests to verify that your methods are executing as expected:
Test: (assertEquals) Test Data and expected system responses.
Username is correctly formatted:
The username contains an underscore and is no
more than 5 characters long
Test Data: “kyl_1”
The system returns:
“Welcome <user first name> ,<user last name>
it is great to see you.”
Username incorrectly formatted: Test Data: “kyle!!!!!!!”
The username does not contain an underscore
and is no more than 5 characters long
The system returns:
“Username is not correctly formatted, please
ensure that your username contains an
underscore and is no more than 5 characters in
The password meets the complexity
Test Data: “Ch&&sec@ke99!”
The system returns:
“Password successfully captured”
The password does not meet the complexity
Test Data: “password”
The system returns:
“Password is not correctly formatted, please
ensure that the password contains at least 8
characters, a capital letter, a number and a
special character.”
Test (assertTrue/False)
Login Successful The system returns:
Login Failed The system returns:
Username correctly formatted The system returns:
Username incorrectly formatted The system returns:
Password meets complexity requirements The system returns:
Password does not meet complexity
The system returns:
You can now add the following functionality to your application:
1. The users should only be able to add tasks to the application if they have logged in
2. The applications must display the following welcome message: “Welcome to EasyKanban”.
3. The user should then be able to choose one of the following features from a numeric menu:
a. Option 1) Add tasks
b. Option 2) Show report - this feature is still in development and should display the
following message: “Coming Soon”.
c. Option 3) Quit
4. The application should run until the users selects quit to exit.
5. Users should define how many tasks they wish to enter when the application starts, the
application should allow the user to enter only the set number of tasks.
6. Each task should contain the following information:
Task Name The name of the task to be performed: “Add
Login Feature”
Task Number Tasks start with the number 0, this number is
incremented and autogenerated as more
tasks are added .
Task Description A short description of the task, this description
should not exceed 50 characters in length.
The following error message should be
displayed if the task description is too long:
“Please enter a task description of less than
50 characters”
“Task successfully captured” if the message
description meets the requirements.
Developer Details The first and last name of the developer
assigned to the task.
Task Duration The estimated duration of the task in hours.
This number will be used for calculations and
should make use of an appropriate data type.
Task ID The system must autogenerate a TaskID which
contains the first two letters of the Task
Name, a colon (:), the Task Number, a colon (:)
and the last three letters of the developer assigned to the task’s name. The ID should be
displayed in all caps:
Task Status The user should be given a menu to select the
following task statuses from:
• To Do
• Done
• Doing
7. The full details of each task should be displayed on the screen (using JOptionPane) after it
has been entered and should show all the information requested in the table above in the
following order: Task Status, Developer Details, Task Number, Task Name, Task
Description, Task ID and Duration;
7. The total number of hours across all tasks should be accumulated and displayed once all
the tasks has been entered
Create a Task class that contains the following messages:
Method Name Method Functionality
Boolean: checkTaskDescription() This method ensures that the task description
is not more than 50 characters.
String: createTaskID() This method creates and returns the taskID
String: printTaskDetails() This method returns the task full task details
of each task.
Int: returnTotalHours() This method returns the total combined hours
of all entered tasks.
1. Users should be able to use to populate the following arrays:
Array Contents
Developer Contains the names of all the developers
assigned to tasks
Task Names Contains the names of all the created tasks
Task ID Contains the generated taskID’s for all tasks
Task Duration Contains the Duration of all tasks
Task Status Contains the Status of all tasks
2. Users should be able to use these arrays to:
a. Display the Developer, Task Names and Task Duration for all tasks with the status of
b. Display the Developer and Duration of the class with the longest duration.
c. Search for a task with a Task Name and display the Task Name, Developer and Task
d. Search for all tasks assigned to a developer and display the Task Name and Task
e. Delete a task using the Task Name.
f. Display a report that lists the full details of all captured tasks.

1 answer

To implement the given functionality, you can follow the below steps:

1. Define a class called "Account" with the following variables:
- username (String)
- password (String)
- firstName (String)
- lastName (String)

2. Implement a constructor to initialize the Account object with the provided variables.

3. Implement the "checkUsername()" method in the Login class:
a. Check if the username contains an underscore and is no more than 5 characters long.
b. If the conditions are met, return true.
c. If the conditions are not met, return false.

4. Implement the "checkPasswordComplexity()" method in the Login class:
a. Check if the password meets the complexity requirements (at least 8 characters long, contains a capital letter, contains a number, contains a special character).
b. If the conditions are met, return true.
c. If the conditions are not met, return false.

5. Implement the "registerUser()" method in the Login class:
a. Check the username using the "checkUsername()" method.
b. If the username is incorrectly formatted, return the corresponding message.
c. Check the password using the "checkPasswordComplexity()" method.
d. If the password does not meet the complexity requirements, return the corresponding message.
e. If both the username and password are correctly formatted, return the success message.

6. Implement the "loginUser()" method in the Login class:
a. Check if the entered username and password match the stored username and password.
b. If the credentials match, return true.
c. If the credentials do not match, return false.

7. Implement the "returnLoginStatus()" method in the Login class:
a. Check the login status using the "loginUser()" method.
b. If the login is successful, return the success message along with the user's first and last name.
c. If the login fails, return the corresponding message.

8. Implement the "Task" class with the following variables:
- taskName (String)
- taskNumber (int)
- taskDescription (String)
- developerDetails (String)
- taskDuration (int)
- taskID (String)
- taskStatus (String)

9. Implement the "checkTaskDescription()" method in the Task class:
a. Check if the task description is not more than 50 characters.
b. If the condition is met, return true.
c. If the condition is not met, return false.

10. Implement the "createTaskID()" method in the Task class:
a. Generate the taskID based on the provided format.
b. Return the generated taskID.

11. Implement the "printTaskDetails()" method in the Task class:
a. Return the full task details of each task in the required order.

12. Implement the "returnTotalHours()" method in the Task class:
a. Iterate through all the tasks and accumulate the task durations.
b. Return the total combined hours of all entered tasks.

13. Implement the main application logic:
a. Create an array to store the developers' names.
b. Create an array to store the task names.
c. Create an array to store the task IDs.
d. Create an array to store the task durations.
e. Create an array to store the task statuses.

14. Prompt the user to enter the required account details (username, password, first name, last name) and create an instance of the "Account" class.

15. Implement a loop to run the application until the user selects the "Quit" option:
a. Display the welcome message.
b. Prompt the user to choose from the available options (Add tasks, Show report, Quit).
c. Based on the user's choice, perform the corresponding action.

16. For the "Add tasks" option:
a. Prompt the user to enter the number of tasks they wish to enter.
b. Create a loop to iterate the set number of times to allow the user to enter the task details.
c. Validate the task description using the "checkTaskDescription()" method.
d. If the task description is valid, create an instance of the "Task" class with the provided details and add the task details and IDs to the respective arrays.

17. For the "Show report" option:
a. Display the "Coming Soon" message.

18. For the "Quit" option:
a. Exit the application.

19. Implement additional functionality as required for the remaining options (display tasks with status, search tasks, delete tasks, display full task details, etc.) using the arrays and methods provided.

20. Implement unit tests to verify the functionality of the implemented methods and classes.

Note: This is a general guideline to implement the given functionality. The actual implementation may vary based on the programming language used and any specific requirements or constraints.