1. COmment on what James Baldwin said of the Civil rights movement challenging the United States to rethink"What it really means by freedom, including whether freedom, applied to all Americans or to part of the population?

This is what I put :

With their freedom rides, freedom schools, freedom marches and the inconsistent cry "freedom now", black americans and their white allies made freedon once again, the rallying cry of the dispossesed. Thousands of ordinary men and women.maids and laborers, stundents, teachers, businessmen, and ministers, risked physical and economic retribution to lay claim to freedom. Their courage inspired a host of other challenges to the status quo.

My question to that is did I answer the qustion correctly, and below is a question that Ive been working on and I still cant seem to find the right answer, or maybe Im just overlooking it.

2. Discuss how successful the antiwar movement was in challenging the course of the war. What methods did they use. How did the movement view freedom and the war?

It is the Vietnam War in the 1960s.

Thank You for your help.

6 answers

1. You have plagiarized from this site:

Plagiarism will get you an F on the assignment, if not an F in the course.

(Broken Link Removed)
This website will help you learn how NOT TO PLAGIARIZE.
excuse me but my teacher gave me this history assignment and he said you can use your book. My book is called Give Me Liberty,An American History by Eric Foner that's what was in the book. Before you jump to conclusions may I suggest that you think about other sources and all students do not plagarize. I know about plagarizing all I did was ask for help. Do you seriously think I am that stupid to post plagarzied work on a site with a bunch of teachers?
There's a BIG difference between using a book and plagiarizing from it. Did you read the webpage I gave you? It tells you HOW to use materials without plagiarizing.

Be careful.
When I use it from the book. I do not change it. My teacher said that was okay. In some classes yes, it may be considered to be plagarizing but I made sure. He is very picky. I note the page and the paragraph I got it from on my paper. Are you going to help me or not?
No, I will not help you plagiarize. I believe you are insisting on doing things that will hurt you in the future. I won't help you learn that way.

