1 Cities investing in public transit systems must evaluate what form of transportation is the most efficient and cost-effective. Many cities weigh whether they should invest in light rail, which run electrified trains over tracks, or bus systems. 2 One of the main considerations is cost. In terms of initial costs, bus systems are cheaper because they do not require building tracks, as light rail systems do. When it comes to the cost of maintaining a system, though, the advantage switches to light rail. Because it takes many buses to transport the same number of passengers as a single train, bus systems have the added cost of training and paying more drivers. Bus systems also have to consider fuel costs, which are higher than the cost of electricity and vary from year to year. In short, light rail systems are more expensive to get going, but cheaper to maintain. 3 There are many arguments in favor of light rail systems. They are a more desirable choice than buses in terms of their environmental impact, and they tend to convert more drivers, who would rather abandon their cars for a train than for a bus. Light rail systems have the advantage of generally increasing property values in the areas where they are built, bringing economic growth. Additionally, light rail systems run separately from streets, so they don’t add to the traffic like buses do. 4 Bus systems, on the other hand, are far more flexible than light rail systems. Unlike train systems, they can easily make changes in their routes if necessary. They can spread into more areas with few additional costs, and they can adapt quickly to changing commuter needs. Bus systems also have the advantage of being able to grow gradually as they are needed and as funding allows, without a great deal of groundwork involved. Use the passage to answer the question. Select the correct answer from each list to complete the sentence. (1 point) Paragraph 3 uses in order to focus on. Choose the the correct answer for the two blank boxes. First blank box gives you, a problem-and-solution structure, the block method, and a sequential list. The second blank box gives you, the way transit systems are designed, the history of bus systems, and the advantages of light rail.

1 answer

Paragraph 3 uses the block method in order to focus on the advantages of light rail.