1. Choose the correct way to read this number.
A. thirty-two and five hundred seven hundredths
B. thirty-two and five hundred seven thousandths
C. thirty-two point five zero seven
D. three hundred twenty-five and seven hundredths
Answer: B
2. Choose the correct way to read this number.
A. six and three thousand seventy-eight thousandths
B. six point three zero seven eight
C. sixty-three and seventy-eight thousandths
D. six and three thousand seventy-eight ten-thousandths
Answer: D
3. Choose the correct way to read this number.
A. forty and six hundredths
B. forty and six tenths
C. forty point six
D. four hundred six
Answer: B
4. Choose the correct way to read this number.
A. seventy-five and nine tenths
B. seventy-five point zero nine
C. seventy-five and nine hundredths
D. seven and five hundred nine thousandths
Answer: C
5. Choose the correct way to read this number.
A. one hundred seventy and eighty-nine hundredths
B. seventeen and eighty-nine ten-thousandths
C. seventeen point zero eight nine
D. seventeen and eighty-nine thousandths
Answer: D
4 answers