1. Choose one component of your physical fitness that you would like to improve.

A: I would like to improve my cardiorespiratory endurance.

2. What exercise would be a good indicator of your fitness in this area?

A: Being able to run a mile would be a good indicator of my fitness in this area.

3. How could you measure your progress?

A: I could measure my progress by both time and speed.

4. What level of fitness are you currently able to achieve in this exercise?

A: I am currently able to run a mile. Therefore, I suppose that I am at a moderate level?

5. What level would you like to achieve?

A: I would like to be able to run a mile in under 4 minutes. I would also like to be able to run at least 5 miles without rest.

6. Outline below a six-week plan to achieve your goal. Identify how you will increase your cardiorespiratory endurance, muscular strength and endurance, and flexibility. Be specific about the kinds of exercises, the length of time you will spend exercising, and the number of times per week that you will do the exercises. For muscular development exercises, include the number of repetitions and your goals for increasing repetitions each week.

A: Ms. Sue, can you assist me with this one? I don't know how I would begin this.

7. Check with your teacher to evaluate whether your goals are realistic. If they are not, explain how you will modify them.

A: ?

1 answer

6. Follow each step. You could divide each step into six weeks. Tell what you would do in each category each week.

I'm sorry I can't help you any more because I know nothing about this subject.

7. Follow directions.