1 Charities nowadays are using a new type of fundraising idea. They plan an attractive expedition

or trip and ask participants to pay to join in. Some of this money pays for the trip itself but some is
kept by the charity to support its other work.

Imagine that you have seen the advertisement printed on the following page and have decided
that you would like to take part in ‘Bike the Nile’.

Write the script of a conversation between you and your parents in which you ask their
permission to go on the trip and also ask them to help you raise the £1000 payment

In your script you should:
• briefly explain what ‘Bike the Nile’ involves
• persuade your parents that it is both a safe and worthwhile activity for you to take part in and
for them to support.

Base your ideas on the material found in the advertisement. Add your own details and opinions to
make the conversation more persuasive.

You should write about 1 ½ – 2 sides, allowing for the size of your handwriting.

Start your script:

Me: Mum, Dad I’ve just seen an advertisement for the most amazing trip.

Dad: Oh no, not another one of your crazy, expensive plans.

(Up to 10 marks are available for the content of your answer and up to 15 marks for the quality of
your writing.)