1) Can you please suggest an internet site listing everyday computer language? In particular, I need to carry out some research on computer phrasal verbs as well as on phrases, English people normally use when referring to their conputer work.

2) By the way, do you know any sites offering the lyrics (and audio) of famous black spirituals, such as "Swing low sweet chariot"? It would be great if they were commented on, too.

1 answer

1) Can you please suggest an internet site listing everyday computer language? In particular, I need to carry out some research on computer phrasal verbs as well as on phrases, English people normally use when referring to their conputer work.

These are a good websites for finding definitions for different Internet-related, computer terms.

This is an excellent site which links to a whole bunch of idioms, phrasal verbs, and slang. There are many computer/Internet terms in here, but you have to hunt for them!

2) By the way, do you know any sites offering the lyrics (and audio) of famous black spirituals, such as "Swing low sweet chariot"? It would be great if they were commented on, too.

There are many here. For example, in the second link, you'll find history, backgrounds, lyrics ... and then when you get to the section where you see MP3 many times, you'll find links (click here) to the audios.