1. Calculate the heat (calories) produced by the solution of 3.75 g of NaOH

Hint: Remember that the reaction is exothermic.

2. Calculate the number of calories that would be produced if one mole of sodium hydroxide was dissolved. (ΔHsolnNaOH)

For #1.
delta H(solution)=deltaH(hydration)-deltaH(crystal lattice).
NaOH(s) + H2O==> NaOH(aq) + heat
I don't have any of the delta H values but I assume they are listed in your problem or they were covered with that information in class. You will need to change 3.75 g NaOH to mols.

For #2, same process but you have 1 mol NaOH instead of 3.75 g.

Note: since most tables list delta H in joules or kJ, don't forget to change to calories since the problem specifies that unit.