

1.She was rivaling the mayor by

A.sending money to him.
B.voting for him.
C.running against him.

2.In which of the following situations would you be most likely to be caught up in a commotion?

A.a riot
B.a math exam
C.a school assembly

3.Which of the following sentences is correct?

A.The electrician’s pliers is lying underneath his tool chest.
B.The electrician’s pliers is lying underneath his tools chests.
C.The electrician’s pliers are lying underneath his tool chest.
D.The electrician’s pliers are lying underneath his tools chests.

4.Which of the following sentences is correct?

A.All of the people was against it.
B.Some of the people is against it.
C.All of the people were against it.
D.Some of the people being against it.

5.The origin of the words shut and out is Old English. During the 1800s, the two words were combined to take on the baseball meaning, a game in which one side does not score. What is the most likely meaning of the word shutout in the story The Shutout?

A.to dismiss
B.to keep from scoring
C.to suspend
D.to exclude

6.Which of the following places events in chronological order?

A.formation of Negro Leagues, invention of baseball, Civil War
B.invention of baseball, Civil War, formation of Negro Leagues
C.invention of baseball, formation of Negro Leagues, Civil War
D.Civil War, invention of baseball, formation of Negro Leagues

7.What is the most likely reason newspapers did not spend much time covering the Negro Leagues?

A.There were no worthwhile stories.
B.They thought readers would not want to read about African American baseball.
C.The African American League did not want any publicity.
D.The African American players wanted to keep their identities a secret.

1 answer

5 and 6 are wrong. The others are right.

Check the Wikipedia articles on baseball history and Negro Leagues.