1. Both Walt Whitman and Emily Dickinson were influenced by the Romantics. Choose one of the two poets. Provide at least three ways that he or she reflects Romantic thinking in his or her writing. Then give an example from one of the works that you studied in this unit that illustrates that characteristic.


(15 points)

2. You learned a lot about Whitman and Dickinson’s writing styles during this unit. Although they both broke stylistic boundaries, their styles are different. Write a paragraph in which you explain one characteristic of either poet’s style. Name the characteristic, explain how it is used in the poetry, and then describe the effect that the characteristic produces. Support your answer with examples from the poems.

(25 points)

3. Now return to your book, and select a poem from Whitman or Dickinson that you did not study in the unit. Explain how the poem reveals Romantic thinking. Cite examples from the poem as your support.

3 answers

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The season curmudgeon sees the light story
1.what two things does the author compare and contrast
Romanticism uses the imagination, emotion, and the individual over reason, science, and society; Romantics look to nature as a source for spiritual nourishment, and they believe that people are inherently good but corrupted by society. "This Is My Letter To The World" Emily Dickinson writing with general imagination and emotion typical of a Romantic writer "The simpleBews that Nature told," I think what she is saying is that her writings come from the spiritual inspiration of nature and that she doesn't want to be judged harshly for how she lived away from the world even though because the people of the world never did anything for her.