1. Both nations believed their way of life was superior and needed to spread to other nations

2.Security was more assured through alliance and military strength
3. The Soviet Union would not tolerate anti...
4. They limited the type of weapons each country could have
5. Stalins view of free elections in Eastern Europe during the Cold War
6.Japan was not divided up into occupation...
7.Due to lack of competition...
8. The denial of African American..
9. Thatcher wished to roll back the welfare state...
10. Following... independence movements often resulted in the...
11. Cultural Revolution
12. It spurred economic growth and led...
13. The U.S. supported the non communist government...
14. Korea
15. These elections signified the transformation of Eastern Europe from...
16.Democract spread...
17. Greater openess
18. The spending severely strained the Soviet economy...
19. Pol Pot
20. Many Eastern European countries began the transition to free-market economies