use a common denominator of 16, and you have
7/16, 4/16, 9/16, ...
then it will be easy
1. Big Al has a set of non-metric wrenches that have these numbers on the end:
7/16, 1/4, 9/16, 3/8, 5/16, 1/2
Which of these wrenches fits the largest nut?
Which fits the smallest nut?
I am very confused on how to figure this out. Please help.
6 answers
You have me very confused.
you need to read up on equivalent fractions.
If you have 1/4, and then multiply by 1, nothing is changed. 4/4=1, so
1/4 * 4/4 = 4/16
If all the fractions have a common denominator of 16, the the largest numerator will be the largest value. Think of (1/16) as a single quantity, like $, apples, or toothpicks
$5 > $4
3 apples is more than 2 apples
12 toothpicks is more than 5 toothpicks
for any unit,
m units is more than n units if m > n
1/4 < 7/16 because 4/16 < 7/16 because 4 < 7
Still confused? google is your friend -- do a search on comparing fractions or something. Once it clicks, you'll see how easy it all really is.
If you have 1/4, and then multiply by 1, nothing is changed. 4/4=1, so
1/4 * 4/4 = 4/16
If all the fractions have a common denominator of 16, the the largest numerator will be the largest value. Think of (1/16) as a single quantity, like $, apples, or toothpicks
$5 > $4
3 apples is more than 2 apples
12 toothpicks is more than 5 toothpicks
for any unit,
m units is more than n units if m > n
1/4 < 7/16 because 4/16 < 7/16 because 4 < 7
Still confused? google is your friend -- do a search on comparing fractions or something. Once it clicks, you'll see how easy it all really is.
I am still confused on this even more by how you explained it.
This site has an excellent explanation of equivalent fractions.
I will definitely review this site however I am confused on how to begin solving this particular problem and what do I need to do with all those fractions?