A and B
Unit price:
if 64 fl ounces cost $2.00
then 1 fl ounce costs 2.00/64 = ....
C, the best buy would be with the lower unit price
2. What map? your call
1.Ben needs to buy orange juice. He can buy 64 fl oz at the grocery store for $2.00, or he can buy 256 fl oz at the wholesale club for $7.50.
A.Find the unit price for the grocery store orange juice. Round your answer to the nearest thousandth.
B.Find the unit price for the wholesale club orange juice. Round your answer to the nearest thousandth.
C. Where should Ben buy the orange juice if he wants the best deal? Explain.
2.Convert the map scale to a unit rate. How many inches represent one mile? Show your work. Interpret the meaning of the unit rate.
3/10 in = 7/8 mi
3 answers
Reintroduced heh