1. which geographic features lies east of the andes moutains?
A. saltwater grasses
B. active volcanoes
C. llanos grasslands
D. mangrove swamps
2. Which landform can be found in the andes mountains?
A. savannas
B. cordilleras
C. deserts
D. plains
3. which body of water flows through caribbean south america?
A. amazon river
B. orinoco river
C. atacama river
D. colombia river
4. how does the climate of the region most impact the people?
A. the dry climate limits farming ability
B. the hot wet climate supports large scale farming
C. seasonal rainfalls encourage summer tourism
D. cooler highland climates make mining an important industry
5. What two elements of caribbean south american culture does daniellas family best reflect?
A. coffee and tourism
B. oil and conservation
C. sugar cane and carnival
D. urban living and diverse ecosystems
17 answers
This is the last time I'll check your answers for these questions. I won't waste my time (or yours) in checking wild guesses.
1) A. I think...
2) B.
3) B.
4) ???
5) I haven't read about the Daniella in question so I can't answer the question, honestly.
Sorry, I don't know many of the answers and they seem like pretty hard questions to me. I'm in eighth grade war history, though, so geography isn't really my strong point. Good luck and God bless you.
1. C.
2. B.
3. B.
4. B.
5. coffe and tourism
Ms. Sue does need to take it easy
2. B.
3. B.
4. B.
5. coffee and tourism
These are the answers for if you go to connections academy!