It looks like you're listing different placements for punctuation or elements within writing. Here's a breakdown based on your points:
At the end of a paragraph - This indicates that a punctuation mark or some other element comes right after the last line of the paragraph, guiding the reader to pause before moving on to the next segment.
Outside closing period - This might refer to a situation where punctuation or a citation is placed after a closing period, which isn't standard in formal writing.
Inside the closing period - This suggests that punctuation (like a citation) is placed before the final period of a sentence, which is common when citing sources at the end of a sentence.
In parenthesis - This generally refers to the use of parentheses to add supplementary information or clarification within a sentence, like a citation or additional note.
At the end of a sentence - This indicates that a punctuation mark or other element appears immediately after the final word of a complete thought, marking the conclusion of that sentence.
In brackets - This refers to using brackets ([]) to include information that clarifies or adds context to a sentence, often used for editorial comments or clarifications.
If you need more detailed information or examples related to any of these placements, feel free to ask!