I disagree with your answer. But I don't really like any of your choices.
Check this site for the definition of filial piety that comes the closest to your choices.
1. Asian emphasis on the value of filial piety may be noted in: A. A family's reluctance to disagree with an early childhood professional. B. Encouragement of interaction between adults and children. C. Strict adherence to Buddhist teachings. D. A mother's extreme effort to win over an angry son. I choose b. Can someone please check my answer
6 answers
I interpret filial piety to include all older people and authority figures.
Filial piety is a Confucian teaching, not a Buddhist principle.
You're welcome.
P.S. I'm bothered by the generic use of the word "Asian." This continent has over 50 countries and many more cultures.
Asia includes Turkey, Russia, Israel, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Kazahkstan, India, China, Korea, Malaysia, Vietnam, Japan -- among many others.
Asia includes Turkey, Russia, Israel, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Kazahkstan, India, China, Korea, Malaysia, Vietnam, Japan -- among many others.