1. Answer the question based on this line of HTML code, by filling in the blank with the most appropriate response.
<IMG SRC="h t t p: / / w w w .imagin aryurls. com /images/page2/photo.gif" ALT="Picture of me and my Dog" HEIGHT="300" WIDTH="250>
My answer:** "Picture of me and my dog"
I had to put spaces because it wont let me post urls
8 answers
No one is going to take out all those spaces!! Just remove https:// and include the rest of the URL. Tutors know what to do!
Ok. www.imaginaryurls.com/images/page2/photo.gif
Oh, and the question was asking, What file is being called by the IMG tag?
Did I get it right?
No idea. That url won’t open for me.
Look here:
Look here:
Yup, I got it right. Thanks for the help!
You’re welcome!