1. An insured patient pays a flat fee for certain services. The amount that the patient must pay is the .
A. deductible
B. copayment
C. formulary
D. coinsurance
My answer B
2. Ravi and Juli are discussing the National Practitioner Dta Bank. Ravi says that undesirable licensure actions and medical malpractice payment must be reported to the NPDB. Juli says that harmful professional society membership actions and adverse clinical privilege actions must be reported to the NPDB. Who is correct?
A. Onley Ravi is correct
B. Only Juli is correct
C. Nether is correct
D. Both are correct
My answer D
3. Which of the following necessarily involves direct online contact between patients and physicians?
A. Cybermedicine
C. E-health
My answer A
4. Which of the following best states the purpose of state medical boards?
A. Protecting the health .safety, and welfare of health care consumers
B. Making sure doctors are adequately compensated
C. Advancing medical research
D. Issuing licenses
My answer A
5. Which of the following four essential elements of contract concern exchange of value?
A. Agreement
B. Contractual capacity
C. Consideration
D. Legal subject matter
My answer C
6. If a 15-year-old seeks medical treatment, the physician does not need parental permission if
A.there's a life-threatening medical emergency such that the doctor uldn't delay treatment to seek permission
B. the minor provides a detailed, written explanation that convinces the physician that the parent will consent.
C. the minor can afford to pay for the treatment.
D. the treatment doesn't involve surgery.
My answer B
7. An insured patient pays $500 toward medical bills before the insurance company pays anthing. The amount that the patient must pay is the
A. formulary
B. copayment
C. coinsurance
D. deductible
My answer C
8. What legal concept explains why a receptionist can make patient contracts that are binding on a doctors?
A. Consideration
B. Agency
C. Mutual assent
D. Negligence
My answer C
9. Bob Smith is charged with a crime. The maximum penalty is 90 days in jail. This crime must be a
A. misdemeanor
B. common law crime
C. felony
D.traffic offense
My answer A