1) An amine can be formed when 2-iodopentane is heated with ammonia in a sealed tube. This is an example of a nucleophilic substitution reaction.

a) Provide a full equation (using condensed formula) for this reaction. Name the reactants and the overall products too.

b) Name the organic product formed from this reaction and draw it’s displayed structure.

c) Provide a ‘curly arrow’ mechanism (in displayed formula) with an accompanying explanation for this process.

d) Describe a characteristic test (with the result that would be observed) to show the presence of the amine produced upon completion of the nucleophilic substitution reaction.

2) The amine produced in the above reaction forms a mixture of two optical isomers.

a) Draw the 3D structures of the two isomers of the amine product that you named and produced a drawing of in question 1 b).

b) Reference a different named example to explain the term optical isomer and draw the 3D structure of that example you named.

c) Describe (referencing the equipment used) how you can distinguish between the mixture of two optical isomers of this amine.

1 answer

1) a)

CH3CH2CH2CH(CH3)I + NH3 ==> CH3CH2CH2CH(CH3)NH3 + I-
2- Iodopentane + Ammonia ==> I do not know + I do not know

Displayed structure of products:

-----I----I----I-----I ---I
H - C - C - C - C - N - H -------- + -- (What is the displayed structure of I-)
------I---I----I-----I ---I
-----H--H---H---H --H

Is only one of the products organic? Which one or ones are organic?


